After Care
Death and grief are human experiences, yet these experiences tend to be different for each individual. As a result there is no single action or process a person goes through to resolve and recover from his or her grief. There is a saying, which many people have found to be true, "Grief shared, is grief diminished".
In keeping with our commitment to offer a deep sense of caring for the families we serve, we are proud to offer a unique and special service we call Aftercare. This service is designed to provide support and guidance to the families with the many practical and emotional issues that arise after the funeral has taken place.
Our Services Include:
- Assistance with the filing of government applications, death benefits, will searches
- Information regarding available community, social service and government resources
- Reviewing a checklist outlining "things to do in the event of a death"; unveilings and monument makers; clothing and furniture donations and important contact numbers
- Referrals to bereavement support groups and counseling
- Bereavement literature including the lending of children's books

Sharon Kaplan - After Care Specialist